Dressed up as a little girl with a lollipop

Every now and then, I like to stop being the Mommy type and act out my inner child's dreams/fantasies. I put my hair in pigtails, find a cute dress, wear some sexy bra and panty set, then some knee highs and heels to match. I color, blow bubbles, eat sweets, and then get hyper. That's when I start acting naughty...

When noone is watching, I draw on the walls, make a mess, and steal all the sugary food I find! If people are watching, I throw stuff at them, bite them, and pull on their hair! If a Mommy or Daddy type is around, tthat's when I get sent to the corner for time out.

I always keep a crayon in my bra, just in case of corner time. After I'm caught coloring nasty things on the wall, I'm usually grabbed by the ear and thrown over a lap. Then I'm given a long spanking with a hand, hairbrush, and paddle! I kick, scream,and curse the whole time.  By then, they know the only way I'll learn my lesson is if they use the big leather belt. They make me go back to the corner I colored on, have me grab my ankles, and start whipping my butt until I'm promising to be a good girl!

Of course, that's an empty promise... I'm ALWAYS going to be a naughty little bad girl who needs long hard spankings to keep me in check!

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